Am I allowed to work on a study visa? Yes, the law allows students on study visas to work part time up to 30 hours per week maximum; as long as said work does not interfere with academic activity. Directiva (UE) 2016/801, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 11 de mayo de 2016, relativa a los requisitos de entrada y residencia de los nacionales de países terceros con fines de investigación, estudios, prácticas, voluntariado, programas de intercambio de alumnos o proyectos educativos y colocación au pair... Ley Orgánica 4/2000 de 11 de enero sobre derechos y libertades de los extranjeros en España y su integración social (artículos 25 bis. f, 30 y 33) Reglamento de la Ley Orgánica 4/2000, aprobado por Real Decreto 557/2011, de 20 de abril (artículos del 37 al 42). Instrucción DGM 2/2018, sobre la transposición al ordenamiento jurídico español de la Directiva 2016/801. Am I allowed to leave Spain whilst still in the process of renewal or extension of the study visa? Yes, you can leave Spain, provided you obtain an Authorisation of Return, and that you have already initiated the procedure of renewal or extension of the degree or program that enables you to stay in Spain.Reglamento de la Ley Orgánica 4/2000, aprobado por Real Decreto 557/2011, de 20 de abril (artículo 25.2). Where can I request an admission letter in order to request a study visa? The admission letter must be requested in different places depending on the degree’s level (undergraduate or postgraduate). If you will be studying as an undergraduate, you must address the Unit of Grados of the University of Seville ( However, for a master’s degree you must address the Unit of Masters of the University of Seville ( Do I have any obligations as a EU citizen to fulfil in order to reside in Spain? We understand “residence in Spain” as staying in Spain for longer than three months, whether for work or studying. In that case, you must register as an EU citizen in the Oficina de Extranjería (the Immigration Bureau).