The Identity Number for Foreigners (NIE)

Foreigners who are in Spain, whether for their economic, social, or professional interests; will be given a unique, personal and exclusive sequential number for identification purposes. Foreign people who need to open a bank account, for example, would benefit from obtaining this document, in case they do not already have a card or document in which their NIE (Identity Number for Foreigners) appears. 

This personal number will be the identification for the foreign person, which must appear in all documents processed for them.

To obtain the ID number, the following documents are required:


  • SOLICITUD EX15 por duplicado / 2 copies of the form provided in the following link: EX-15
  • FOTOCOPIA DE TODAS LAS HOJAS DEL PASAPORTE VIGENTE / A copy (xerox) of all the pages of the applicant’s valid passport.
  • DOCUMENTACIÓN MOTIVADA QUE ACREDITE LA PETICIÓN DEL CERTIFICADO N.I.E. DE NO RESIDENTE / Documents that prove application for a NIE certificate (Identity Number for Foreigners) as a non-resident.

Tasa modelo 790 Código 0127.17 euros”